Move on Aptos IntelliJ Plugin Help


This release is supported with a grant from Aptos Foundation. The plugin is renamed to Move on Aptos on Jetbrains Marketplace, with new Aptos-specific logos.

Plugin on Marketplace

Sui support is also removed from this release on. Sui Move language has diverged from the original Move Compiler with their Move 2024 version of the language, and it became very costly to support it in the same source code.


  • Implement some of the Aptos Compiler V2 features:

    • receiver-style functions (special self parameter for the functions),

      Receiver Style Functions

    • resource access modifiers (reads, writes, pure)

  • Implement fetching package dependencies on project import, and Build / Sync window to follow the steps.

  • Simplify working with Aptos CLIs from different OSes: download Aptos CLI from the IDE on Windows and Linux, add note on using Homebrew for MacOS.

  • Implement running External Linters.

  • Added aptos move decompile integration, see the docs.


  • Drop 2023.2 platform.

Last modified: 01 July 2024